Download Our 2021 Lenten Breviary
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Welcome to the season of Lent; let’s get uncomfortable.
Lent is the season of the Christian calendar that is meant to be a bit thorny and disruptive. Like Jesus, before he started his public ministry, we travel into the rough wilderness for a time of preparation. This season invites us to spend 40 days (46 when counting Sundays) in a time of reflection and repentance. In reflection, we examine our own sin – the ways we move away from the love of God, neighbor, self, and creation. We also repent of our sins and, by God’s lavish grace, experience transformation and move towards love. It will likely be uncomfortable to admit the ways that we fail, but we can trust that God’s still got us. And God will empower us to shift our lives towards love in fresh ways.
To help our community engage the season of Lent, we have created this breviary. Breviaries are ancient shortened prayer books developed by Christians centuries ago so that they could have portable spiritual guides. We know that most of us lead very busy lives even (or especially!) during Covid, so we invite you to use this breviary for your on-the-go life. Save it on your phone/computer or print it out so that you can access this guide easily.
Our theme for the spring semester and this breviary is FOUNDATIONS: Prayer. Bible. Theology. When it comes to these topics, many of us know what we don’t want. We don’t want stale prayer, harmful Bible interpretations, or toxic theology. But what do we want? Throughout this semester and with the help of this breviary during Lent, we hope to discover how prayer, the Bible, and theology can all be life-giving and lead us to be more Jesus-rooted people.
FOUNDATIONS has informed the curation of our breviary. Each day, we provide you with three items to reflect on.
Prayer: May the prayers of our Christian siblings help us connect with God even when our own language feels limited.
Bible: May its sacred stories lead us to life. We used The Message paraphrase of the Bible for this guide to aid us in reading in a contemplative and imaginative way.
Theology: May quotes from these diverse theological voices lead us into deeper intimacy with God.
We are praying for you as we begin Lent together.
Rich Havard, Pastor + Executive Director
Lydia Marchese, Student Pastor