Money is vital to making our ministry happen. And every gift matters, no matter the size. Your gift helps us to create a community where students can encounter Jesus and change the world through staff time and energy, space for small groups and events, food (the key to college students’ hearts), coffee dates with students interested in exploring faith and ministry, supplies for our service projects, and more. It takes less than 60 seconds to give with the secure system below! If you’d like to give via check, please send to the Inclusive Collective at 77 W Washington, Suite 1820, Chicago, IL 60602.
Are you a church or an individual who wants to help build this new ministry? We like you a lot, and we’re so grateful for you. Seriously. Here are some other ways you can help:
Pray for our ministry. Pray for us to make connections with students and for them to be fueled by the Gospel as people who believe they are loved by God and want to change the world.
Occasionally, we need volunteers to help staff events and meet students. Interested in offering your presence, time, and energy for a day? Email Pastor Rich Havard.
Are you a graphic designer, a financial mastermind, a non-profit guru, or a person who can make exam study bags for college students? We’re always looking for folks to help us with the behind-the-scenes projects that make our ministry happen. Shoot Pastor Rich Havard an email and explore ways to partner!
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We're grateful to partner with the Northern Illinois Conference of the United Methodist Church, Presbytery of Chicago, and a host of churches throughout Chicagoland.